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Algebra 1

The Algebra I course provides the foundational development of algebraic skills and algebraic concepts necessary for students to progress in advanced courses. The Algebra 1 course teaching the understanding of algebraic concepts and the development of algebraic skills in a variety of problem-solving situations. Algebra 1 Topics include: (1) Properties of Real Numbers (2) Operations with Real Numbers, (3) Linear Equations and Inequalities, (4) Understanding Relations and Functions, (5) Systems of Equations and Inequalities, (6) Polynomials, (7) Quadratic Equations and Functions, and (8) Other Nonlinear Equations.

In addition to watching the pre-recorded lessons or viewing the online slides, you may alsopurchase the PowerPoint (PPT) or Keynote file for this lesson for $3.95. You may modify and use these slides in your own class with your students.